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The 7th RESCEU International SymposiumRESCEU Symposium on |
Information for Poster Presenters
- The size of poster boards is A0.
- One minute short talks for poster presenters are planned on 12th Nov. Please prepare one-page paper (not OHP Sheet!) to explain your work. The order of the presentations are as listed below.
- An A4 size multi-page presentation file (pdf format) is necessary for the proceedings.
List of Poster Presentations(PDF)
NUM | Name | Title of Presentation |
C01 | Daisuke Yonetoku (Kanazawa University) |
Dark Energy in the early universe measured with Gamma-Ray Bursts |
C02 | shiro hirai (Osaka Electro-Communication University) |
Time dependence of cosmological parameters in slow-roll inflation |
C03 | Hideki Asada (Hirosaki University) |
Perturbation theory of N point-mass gravitational lens systems |
C04 | Satoshi Miyazaki (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) |
Hyper Suprime-Cam Project |
C05 | Takayuki Tatekawa (Department of Physics, Ochanomizu University) |
Initial conditions based on Lagrangian perturbation theory for N-body simulations |
C06 | Takashi Hiramatsu (ICRR, University of Tokyo) |
Non-linear evolution of matter power spectrum in a closure theory |
C07 | Ryo Nagata (RESCEU, The University of Tokyo) |
Primordial fluctuation spectrum after WMAP5yr |
C08 | Masahiro Nakashima (RESCEU) |
WMAP-5yr Constraint on the Varying Fine Structure Constant |
C09 | Takahiro Nishimichi (Department of Physics, the University of Tokyo) |
Modeling Nonlinear Evolution of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations: Convergence Regime of N-body Simulations and Analytic Models |
C10 | Takahiro Sato (Hiroshima University) |
Testing general relativity on the scales of cosmology using the redshift-space distortion |
C11 | Toyokazu Sekiguchi (ICRR, The University of Tokyo) |
Probing the primordial helium abundance and the effective number of neutrino species with CMB |
C12 | Hidenori Nomura (Hiroshima University) |
Damping of the baryon acoustic oscillations in the matter power spectrum as a probe of the growth factor |
C13 | Cosimo Bambi (IPMU, University of Tokyo) |
A proposal to test the weight of vacuum energy |
C14 | Graziano Rossi (Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS)) |
Peak Statistics in the WMAP Sky: Non-Gaussianity? |
C15 | Kazuhide Ichikawa (University College London) |
Constraining Kuiper Belt Objects from WMAP |
C16 | Shun Saito (Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo) |
Prospects of neutrino masses through nonlinear power spectrum |
C17 | Kiyotomo Ichiki (RESCEU) |
Constraints on Neutrino Masses from Weak Lensing |
C18 | Kazuhiko Kojima (University of Tokyo) |
A new method to constrain the neutrino mass from CMB polarization with PMF |
C19 | Dai Yamazaki (Division of Theoretical Astronomy, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) |
Limiting the Neutrino Mass and the Primordial Magnetic Field from the Large Scale Structure |
A20 | Tomoya Takiwaki (RESCEU, The University of Tokyo) |
General conditions for MHD explosions |
A21 | Yudai Suwa (Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo) |
Gravitational wave emission from the central engine of gamma-ray bursts |
A22 | Keiichi Maeda (IPMU, U. Tokyo) |
Observational Signatures of Supernova Explosion Asymmetry |
A23 | Masaomi Tanaka (University of Tokyo) |
Optical Spectropolarimetry of Supernovae: Evidence for Aspherical Explosion |
A24 | Hiroki Nagakura (Waseda University) |
Standing Accretion Shock Instability Around Black Hole |
A25 | Takashi Yoshida (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) |
Electron Fraction Dependence of Neutrino Spin-Flavor Conversion in Supernovae |
A26 | Hidetaka Sonoda (University of Tokyo) |
Phase diagram of nuclear Pasta investigated by quantum molecular dynamics |
A27 | Shio Kawagoe (The University of Tokyo) |
Neutrino oscillations in magneto-driven supernova explosions |
A28 | Akira MIZUTA (Center for Frontier Science, Chiba University) |
Energy distribution of Relativistic GRB Jets from Collapsars |
A29 | Ken'ichiro Nakazato (Waseda University) |
Oscillation and Future Detection of Failed Supernova Neutrinos from Black Hole Forming Collapse |
A30 | Yasuomi Kamiya (The University of Tokyo) |
Intrinsic Dispersion of Type Ia Supernovae in the Color-color Diagram |
A31 | Nozomu Tominaga (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) |
Aspherical supernovae in the early universe |
A32 | Natsuko Izutani (The University of Tokyo) |
Explosive Nucleosynthesis of Weak r-Process Elements in Extremely Metal-Poor Core-Collapse Supernovae |
R33 | Kazunori Nakayama (ICRR, University of Tokyo) |
Direct/Indirect Detection Signatures of Dark Matter Annihilation |
R34 | Fuminobu Takahashi (IPMU, University of Tokyo) |
Cosmic-ray positrons from a decaying dark matter |
R35 | Yoshiyuki Inoue (Kyoto University) |
The Blazar Sequence and the Cosmic Gamma-Ray Background Radiation in the Fermi Era |
R36 | Hajime Takami (The University of Tokyo) |
Cross-correlation between UHECR arrival distribution and large-scale structure |
R37 | Shunsaku Horiuchi (University of Tokyo) |
Star formation rate and the diffuse supernova neutrino background |
R38 | Jyutarou Suzuki (Graduate University for Advanced Sutudies, National Astronomical Obserbatory Japan) |
Removing Neutrino-Temperature Uncertainty from the Detection Rate of Supernova Relic Neutrinos |
E39 | SHIMANO Masahiro (Rikkyo University) |
The scalar field potential of the super-inflation in Loop Quantum Cosmology |
E40 | Chia-Min Lin (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan) |
Modified D-term Inflation and Hilltop Inflation Models |
E41 | Shuichiro Yokoyama (Department of Physics, Nagoya University) |
Primordial statistical anisotropy generated at the end of inflation |
E42 | Shuntaro Mizuno (RESCEU, The University of Tokyo) |
Non-gaussianity from the bispectrum in general multiple field inflation |
E43 | Takeshi Kobayashi (The University of Tokyo) |
Conformal Inflation, Modulated Reheating, and WMAP5 |
E44 | Manabu Yoshimatsu (RESCEU, The University of Tokyo) |
Generalized Stochastic Inflation |
E45 | Kohei Kamada (RESCEU, The University of Tokyo) |
Dissipative effects and the MSSM inflation |
E46 | Kunihito Uzawa (Osaka City University) |
Classification of dynamical intersecting brane solutions |
E47 | Osamu Seto (University of Minnesota) |
A simple model of WIMP sneutrino dark matter |
E48 | Nobuyuki Sakai (Yamagata University) |
Breathing bubbles and creation of universes |
E49 | Azusa Minamizaki (Ochanomizu University) |
Baryogenesis by ratchet mechanism |
E50 | Ryo Saito (RESCEU) |
Non-Gaussianity in Primordial Black Hole Formation |
E51 | Motohiko Kusakabe (The University of Tokyo, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) |
Effects of long-lived strongly interacting particles on Big-Bang nucleosynthesis |
E52 | SEOKTAE KOH (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Beijing) |
Quantum Remnant of Scalar Fields: Dark Matter or Dark Energy? |
E53 | Ishware Neupane (University of Canterbury) |
Quintessential Solutions to Cosmic Acceleration: The Inside Story |
E54 | Tsutomu Kobayashi (Waseda University) |
Relativistic stars in f(R) gravity, and absence thereof |
E55 | Takashi Torii (Osaka Institute of Technology) |
Black Holes in the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-Dilaton Theory in Various Dimensions |
E56 | Takashi Tamaki (Waseda University) |
Revisiting chameleon gravity--thin-shells and no-shells with appropriate boundary conditions |
E57 | Takashi Tamaki (Department of Physics, Waseda University) |
Gravitating Q-balls and their stabilities |
E58 | Shunichiro Kinoshita (Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo) |
Thermodynamic and dynamical stability of Freund-Rubin compactification |
E59 | Masashi OASA (Waseda Univ.) |
Post-Newtonian parameters and constraints on TeVeS theory |
E60 | Ryo Wakebe (Waseda University) |
Analysis of Supersymmetric Branes System in Time-dependent Background |
E61 | Yuuiti Sendouda (YITP, Kyoto University) |
Higher curvature theories of gravity in the ADM canonical formalism |
61 poster-presentations have been submitted.