Last update: 2018/09/07
Invited Lecturers
- Re'em Sari (Hebrew University)
- Planet formation and stellar dynamics
- Haibo Yu (University of California Riverside)
- Self interacting dark matter and structure formation
- Kohta Murase (Penn State University)
- High-energy particle astrophysics
The program is available here.
July 27
Chair: Oguri
14:00-14:10 Yasushi Suto Opening remark14:10-15:10 (L) Haibo Yu Self interacting dark matter and structure formation: I
Break (10 min)
15:20-16:20 (L) Re'em Sari Planet formation and stellar dynamics: I
Break (10 min)
16:30-16:50 Masa Aizawa Search for exoplanetary rings via transit method
16:50-17:10 Soichiro Hashiba A non-perturbative method for calculating gravitational particle creation
17:10-17:30 Kana Moriwaki The distribution and physical properties of high-redshift [OIII] emitters in a cosmological hydrodynamics simulation
18:00- Dinner
July 28
Chair: Kanagawa
9:00-10:00 (L) Kohta Murase High-energy particle astrophysics: IBreak (10 min)
10:10-11:10 (L) Haibo Yu Self interacting dark matter and structure formation: II
Break (10 min)
11:20-11:40 Kazuhumi Takahashi Extended Cuscuton: Formulation and Cosmology
11:40-12:00 Leo Tsukada The search for stochastic gravitational background from superradiance instability
12:00-12:20 Conor Omand Dust Formation and Emission in Pulsar-Powered Supernova Remnants
Chair: Shigeyama
13:30-14:30 (L) Re'em Sari Planet formation and stellar dynamics: IIBreak (10 min)
14:40-15:00 Haoxiang Lin Nonthermal afterglow of GW170817: a more natural electron energy distribution leads to a new solution with radio flux in the low frequency synchrotron tail
15:00-15:20 Toyokazu Sekiguchi Long-term dynamics of axion string
15:20-15:40 Ooi Ching Pin Mechanical loss of Crystal Fibres for Torsion Pendulum Experiments
Break (10 min)
15:50-16:50 (L) Kohta Murase High-energy particle astrophysics: II
Break (10 min)
17:00-17:20 Minxi He Inflation in the Mixed Higgs-R^2 Model
17:20-17:40 Shotaro Yamasaki Relativistic Fireball Reprise: Radio Suppression at the Onset of Short Magnetar Bursts
17:40-18:00 Kazuhiro Kanagawa Radial migration of gap-opening planets in protoplanetary disks
18:30- Dinner
July 29
Chair: Kashiyama
9:00-10:00 (L) Haibo Yu Self interacting dark matter and structure formation: IIIBreak (10 min)
10:10-11:10 (L) Re'em Sari Planet formation and stellar dynamics: III
Break (10 min)
11:20-11:40 Yuuki Takei Inner Structure of Shocked Region in Type IIn Supernovae
11:40-12:00 Yi-Peng Wu Search for heavy physics in the cosmological collider
12:00-12:20 Soichiro Morisaki Search for ultralight scalar field dark matter with gravitational-wave detectors
Afternoon: Free discussion
July 30
Chair: Cannon
9:30-10:30 (L) Kohta Murase High-energy particle astrophysics: IIIBreak (10 min)
10:40-11:00 Riouhei Nakatani Radiation Hydrodynamics Simulations of Photoevaporation of Protoplanetary Disks: Metallicity Dependence of UV and X-ray Photoevaporation
11:00-11:20 Hiroaki Tahara Self-anisotropizing universe in Horndeski theory
11:20-11:40 Daichi Tsuna Detectability of Mass Ejection from Failed Supernovae
11:40- Jun'ichi Yokoyama Closing remark
- Takahiro Nishimichi Dark Quest I.: A New Simulation Suite for Halo Clustering at 100 wCDM Models
- Tomoya Kinugawa Remnants of first stars for the gravitational wave source
- Ayako Ishii Free Neutron Ejection and Related Early Emission in Binary Neutron Star Merger
- Syoya Kamiaka Reliability assessment of stellar inclination determination and possible misaligned system revealed by asteroseismology
- Kojiro Kawana Tidal Disruption Events of a White Dwarf by a Black Hole
- Akinari Hamabata Constraining cluster masses from the stacked phase space distribution at large radii
- Yuta Nakagawa Obliquity of an Earth-like planet from frequency modulation of its direct imaged lightcurve: analysis of the general circulation model simulation data for the Earth
- Tomohisa Ueno Various Numerical Schemes for the Burgers Equation
- Saku Iwata The Origin of SNe Ia in Young Galaxies