RESCEU サマースクール

RESCEU APCosPA Summer School on Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics
2015年8月1日(土) ~ 8月4日(火)
2015年8月1日(土) ~ 8月4日(火)
Asia Pacific Organization for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics (APCosPA) was established in September 2010 when the Horiba Conference COSMO/CosPA 2010 was held in Tokyo. Since then, annual winter schools on cosmology and particle astrophysics were held in Taiwan for four years as well as the annual Symposium on Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics (CosPA) in Beijing, Taiwan, and Hawaii. Last year we organized a summer school in Matsumoto, Japan, as RESCEU-APCosPA Summer School on Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics instead of a winter school.Following its success, we are organizing the second RESCEU-APCosPA Summer School at Kinugawa Hot Spring in Nikko city in cooperation with the newly established Division for Astrophysics, Cosmology, and Gravitation (DACG) of The Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS). We hope this school will promote research on cosmology and particle astrophysics in Asia Pacific encouraging young researchers and graduate students of the region. This school is an external activity of Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP).
Invited lecturers
- Martin Lemoine (IAP) Messengers of the very high energy Universe
- Ruth Gregory (Durham University) Non-perturbative Gravity in Cosmology
- Rennan Barkana (Tel Aviv University / Lagrange Institute, IAP) Cosmology of 21 cm line
登録締め切り: 6月28日(日)(延長しました。)
会場は伊東園ホテル鬼怒川グリーンパレス(栃木県日光市)です。参加登録料:3,000円 (旅費の補助を受ける場合は、特別登録料になります)
2015/8/26 | 写真のアップロード |
2015/8/21 | 講演ファイルのアップロード |
2015/7/27 | 招待講師の変更(日本語、英語) |
2015/6/22 | 登録締め切り延長(日本語、英語) |
2015/6/12 | 情報更新、招待講師情報更新(日本語、英語) |
2015/5/16 | ホームページ開設、登録ページ公開(日本語、英語) |
2015/5/18 | 招待講師の講演タイトル変更(日本語、英語) |