RESCEU/DENET Summer School
11th RESCEU/DENET Summer School: Dark Energy in the Universe
25/July/2011 - 29/July/2011

Research Center for the Early Universe (School of Science, University of Tokyo) hosts "RESCEU/DENET Summer School: Dark Energy in the Universe" in Kumamoto, Japan. The workshop consists of two parts; in the first part (25/July) we will have some progress reports (in Japanese) of the RESCEU researches, and, in the second part (26-29/July) we will have lectures by invited lecturers and English oral talks. The workshop is limited to inivited paticipants only. We recommend that foreign participants join us from the reception dinner on 25/July (from about 19:00, at the hotel), although of course we welcome you to join us from the first Japanese session.

#Travel Information# The nearest airport to the summer school venue is Kumamoto Airport in Kyushu island. Since there are no flights from Narita New Tokyo International Airport, those arriving there must first go to Haneda Airport in downtown Tokyo either by bus or train and then continue their journey to Kumamoto Airport. We think that this is the best (easiest) way to Kumomoto, although of course you can choose your preferred arrival/departure date and/or you can make your travel by yourself. Anyway, please send your itinerary (or, copy of your e-ticket if possible) to us ( or, convert __at__ to @) when you complete your travel plan.

Registration Fee : 4,000 yen