Formation of the building blocks of the terrestrial planets at the dead-zone inner edge

Presenter: Takahiro UEDA
The dynamical configuration of the inner solar system planets invokes that they formed from a narrow annulus of plantesimals. The inner edge of the dead zone is one of the most preferable site of rocky planetesimal formation. We investigate whether the planetesimal formation at the dead-zone inner edge can reproduce the initial planetesimal distribution invoked from the current configuration of the inner solar system planets. We show that in the viscously heated protoplanetary disk, the dust concentration heats the disk locally and pushes the dead-zone inner edge outward, which helps rocky planetesimals form at 0.7-1 au with a typical gas accretion rate. The total mass of the planetesimals invoked from the current total mass of the inner solar system planets can also be reproduced when the turbulence strength in the dead zone is around 0.001. Although the subsequent evolution of planetesimals is uncertain, this scenario would potentially account for the inner solar system formation.